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A Prayer for Success & Advancement

This prayer is for success in interviews, promotions, examinations, & employment. When you want to excel, to see stumbling blocks and hindrances removed, & God to be glorified in your endeavors.

Scriptures: Psalm 24:7; 34:10; 75:6; 113:5,7-8; Phil 4:13,19; Gal 6:17

  1. Lord I thank you that I want for nothing, and that there is no good thing that you withhold from me.

  2. I put you in remembrance of your Word that my success comes from nowhere and no one, except for you.

  3. You are such a good Father and I thank you that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and because of the power existing on the inside of me.

  4. You and you alone can advance me.

  5. Father, give me favor with all of those who will decide on my advancement, success, and position.

  6. Where it is needed, Lord cause a divine substitution to happen if that is what will move me ahead.

  7. Whether it be the interviewer, exam proctor, administrative assistant, etc. - shift the atmosphere now to be conducive to my success.

  8. Transfer, remove, or change anyone who is focused on stopping my success.

  9. Let power change hands to the hands of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.

  10. I yield every part of me to you.

  11. I am the head, and not the tail, I am above and not beneath, I lack no good thing for You supply all of my needs according to Your riches and glory.

  12. I command all evil/contrary/disturbing/uneasy stories planted in anyone's mind against my success to be shattered to pieces in Jesus’ name.

  13. Others will think of me and my success the way that you think of me, Father.

  14. Others will see me and my success the way that you see me, Father.

  15. God I thank you that my path to success does not have to be a winding road. Smoothen my path to the top by Your hand of fire.

  16. I receive the anointing to excel beyond my own wildest imaginations, in the name of Jesus.

  17. Launch me into greatness Lord, as you did for Joseph in the land of Egypt, as you did for Daniel in Babylon, and as you did for King David.

  18. Lord, help to to identify and deal with any weaknesses in me that can hinder my progress.

  19. Holy Spirit, teach me how to leverage my strengths, passions, talents, and gifts to succeed.

  20. I bind every spirit and strongman sent to hinder my progress in the name of Jesus.

  21. Father, dispatch your angels to protect me, make every stumbling block into a stepping stone towards my promotion, advancement, and elevation.

  22. Every spirit of….(choose from list), be removed from my life now, you have no power and I render you inoperable, null, and void in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus


Marginal success

Wrong words


Mind blankness/dullness/haziness

Mental stagnation

Memory failure

Unprofitable questions/interviews/interactions

UnGodly opinions against me

UnGodly logic

Bad luck


  1. I claim success in/for ________, in the name Jesus.

  2. May the blood of Jesus, your favor, and your protection cover my life, always, in Jesus’ name.


Written by: Shekinah A. Fashaw, Founder of Eleven40Glory

Follow: @eleven40Glory

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