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Sharing truth, uniting generations, and igniting nations.

The meaning of Eleven40 Glory


Eleven40 refers to the number of days (11) it should have taken the Israelites to leave Egypt and make it to the Promised Land compared to the actual number of years (40) it took.


Eleven40 represents letting go of the past and embracing new journeys into new seasons of promise. Eleven40 reminds us of the “wilderness” experience that we must go through before the Glory of God's promises are revealed. The wilderness is a place where we may feel lost, lonely, or fearful; but God’s presence, glory, and power is consistently present even in those wilderness places.


Eleven40 points toward the promises of God that are to be revealed, the process that is to be endured, and the glory that is to be inherited.


Sometimes, the only way out (of Egypt) is through (the wilderness).


The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness unable to walk into their Promised Land because of cycles of doubt, complaining, complacency, fear, disobedience, and impoverished mindsets.


But what God wanted most for them, and for us, is for us to experience all of His... 


The Glory is Threefold:


Mountain Lake


Know God by reading and exploring His truths.



Trust God by cultivating relationships that show you His love and Faithfulness



Obey God by following His lead through every new season, place, and journey.

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Meet the Founder

Dr, S.F. Walters

I strongly believe that there is power within each and every one of us to do “exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can imagine.” And since I believe it, I live by it and want others to do the same. My deepest desire in life is to see people live out their purpose. My goal is to cultivate creators out of visionaries, by helping visionaries make their vision into a creation beyond their own imagination.
I’m Shekinah, a Christ-lover, wife, dog momma, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and prayer warrior. I was born and raised in South Florida, attended undergrad at the University of Central Florida (GO KNIGHTS!),received my Masters of Science in Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill (Go Heels!), and earned my Ph.D. at Brown University. It may be hard to see at first “but only God” could make all of this possible. I am now a full-time tenure-track faculty member at the University of Minnesota. 
I am I am the daughter of two ministers and am an ordained minister myself. I grew up dancing in church, but please don’t ask me to sing! I gave my “first sermon” when I was four, titled “Standing on the Word of God,” it’s probably one of the funniest stories I have to tell about my life. I was a guest minister at the age of 12 and spoke about faith… Holy Spirit used me to “#ShutTheHouseDown” lol. After that sermon a woman told me “that was real nice honey but before you can really preach you have to go through something.” So I spent the next number of years searching for things to get into, often times acting like Jonah taking a straight beeline in the opposite direction of where God was calling me.
But HIS GRACE!!! And HIS MERCY! They kept me.
In 2008 my spiritual journey took a leap when I was gifted a personal prayer language. I took off to college, and that’s when things got sticky, but I never lost my rooting. Surrendering my life fully to God has been a process but now I am destined to walk in the fullness of what God has called me to do.
In 2017, I  published my first devotional entitled,
 “The Start of Something Glorious” and stared Eleven40 Glory to support other believers along their journeys. I refuse to allow my 11 day journey, or yours, to take 40 years. I’ve discovered that 11 day journeys require OBEDIENCE, obedience requires TRUST, & trust requires that we KNOW God.


Knowing God is only achieved through 1:1 (one on one) time with God.

Trusting God is most possible through relationship with God & the Body. 

Obeying God is one of the best decisions we can make. 


Let's do life together by sharing truth, uniting generations and igniting nations.

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